Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

How to Protect Skin From Sun Exposure Dangers

Sunlight is useful for life on earth is also the enemy of beauty. In addition to causing skin cancer can also cause wrinkles and premature aging. Should we try to follow the steps below to make your skin more beautiful for the long term.
Here are the steps in protecting Step Away from the sun:
Choose the right Sunscreen For day-to-day. Choose a moisturizer with spf 15 broad spectrum of off-greasy and light enough worn under makeup.
Sports and swimming. Choose a broad-spectrum formula is water resistant or sweetproof with spf 30. This product can survive when we swim and will not drip into the eyes when perspiring.
Exposure Lama. Find a broad spectrum formula with SPF30 or higher. Find products with ingredients such as Mexoryl SX and Helioplex is designed for an effective skin.
Apply the Right. Here's how to use suncreen appropriate:

Apply the right amount. Apply repeated every 2 hours or immediately after swimming or sweating a lot even though listed waterproof paper.
Obey the rules 30 minutes. After applying suncreen l do not immediately go out of the house give a period of at least 30 minutes for full product binds with the skin intact.
Check the expiration date. Usually the expiration of 3 years.
Notice areas that are sensitive to sunlight exposure

The lips. To protect your lips with spf use balmcreamy min 15
The eye. Protect the eye with special eye suncreen so smooth around the eye to minimize the appearance of wrinkles
The hand. Applying the product with retinol agespot SPF15 helps diminish and reduce wrinkles
Improving protection. Using suncreeen alone is not enough. Add again the following steps:

Avoid peak hours between the hours of 10:00 until 16:00
Check your own self-month time
Early detection is the key to fighting skin cancer, once a month check for new moles or changing moles who have long
Wear UV protective goggles
Choosing Suncreen according to skin type

Sensitive skin. Choose a strong Suncreen with sunblock that is fragrance-free hypoallergenic and parabens.
Dry Skin. Choose a moisturizing cream with Omega 3dan vitamin A to smooth.
Oily skin. Choose a gel or liquid formula that does not clog pores
Dark skin. Select Spray Clear and fluid with chemical filters like avobenzone
Choosing the appropriate formulas reply

Lotion. Not greasy. Good for oily skin who. Apply thinly and evenly and good to wear every day.
Creams. Emmollient dansedikit thick should be rubbed well for dry skin.
Stick. Thick, giving protection of the old glue. Good for old protection.
The gel. Dries quickly dilute good for quick basting.
Sources; KafeBalita.Com

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