Selasa, 20 September 2011

Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne Used

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How to remove acne scars - For teens and young adulthood, aka the new puberty, acne becomes afrightening specter, especially for a girl who claimed to always pay attention to appearances.

Here are various ways of removing acne scars and tips - tips about acne problem which I got from varioussources.
- Wake wash face with warm water.
- Avoid eating foods such as eggs, indomie, beans, and chili Ayame.
- Clean the face. Wash with an old coconut water. After drying himself, rinse with clean water.
- Rinse face with water basuhan rice. Once dry, wash with clean water.
- Dissolve the cornflour with the water. Spread around the place with acne.
- Take a piece of cassava. Peel the skin. Discard skin. Clean. Parutkan. Dairy to get water. Brush water onyour face milking existing acne scars. Do it every day for a week.

- Egg white corn flour + 1 + sedok olive oil. All three, stir evenly. Use it as a mask.
- Mash a few sticks of cinnamon bark and make powder. Mix with a little water. Brush on acne scars. Gloryfor a week.
- Dissolve the cornflour with the water. Spread around the place with acne.
- Ranging cucumber and cucumber hampas airnya.Tampalkan filter on a scarred face. Allow half an hour. Then wash with lukewarm water.

  The way above is the way - the natural way to remove acne or acne scars. I suggest you use this methodinstead of buying drugs that do not necessarily efficacious and usually even have side effects like irritation, swelling and so forth. Hopefully this article helps.

How to Decrease Stomach Tips

by Syakur on November 7, 2010 how to shrink belly fat
distended abdomen You have tried various ways shrink belly fat? listen to shrink the stomach following tips:
Abdominal organ is not large but has the ability to stretch and shrink according to the amount of food eaten at that time. If you consistently eat large meals, your stomach will gradually continue to stretch and you will need more food to make it feel full. How to shrink the stomach that can be tried is that you should still eat 3x a day with smaller portions. You still need to eat to keep your metabolism does not slow down as drastically reducing food intake. By reducing prosi overeating eating tips tips shrink the stomach that is below the maximum will not work Tips on How to shrink belly fat with diet
Here are ways how you can do to shrink the stomach:

* Eat breakfast about 200 calories. This can consist of a piece of toast with a little butter, one scrambled egg and half a glass of milk.
* Eat a healthful snacks, fresh fruits, fibers that exist in the fresh fruit will make you satisfied longer.
* Lunch is about 400 calories. approximately half the size of average portion of the Indonesian people during lunch.
* If after 2 or 3 hours from lunch that you're feeling hungry again so please take your fresh fruit as your snack.
* Just 400 calories Dinner only. This is usually the most difficult foods to keep 400 calories, especially if you're eating out, soon you're trying to remember how to shrink belly fat.
It should if you have tried diets that are taught over since in the morning then you will not easily hungry in the afternoon. If you have difficulty with adjusting the diet would not hurt you milirik nutritional diet program that simplifies the pattern of food, especially for those with limited time.
In addition to dietary adjustments, shrink belly fat and also assisted with sports, sports that are doing cardio. Cardio exercise (also called cardiovascular exercise) is very effective in burning calories, because when your body burns calories is automatically fat in the body fat will decrease, one of the favorite places is accumulating fat in the abdomen. do the exercise as a way to shrink your belly fat.
When you have set your diet, then you have to do exercise, there's still that need your attention to shrink belly fat. Consider your habits without realizing that contributed to the emergence of belly fat, so consider these habits as a way to shrink the stomach. How to shrink belly fat by doing no bad habits
In addition to running the troubleshooting tips shrink belly fat, you'll get maximum results if you also avoid counter-productive habits that shrink the stomach distended with the program. Consider what should be avoided for the sake of the success of your program

* Avoid skipping meals, so you should eat at least 3 times a day, but of course with a low calorie but full of nutrients.
* Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, if you trouble, kurangin household consumption of alcoholic beverages you
* Do not abstain from consuming a diet with protein.
* Do not eat (snacks or dinner) for less than 3 hours before you sleep, so if your sleep is 22 hours, then eat your meal the maximum is 19 hours.
* Adequate sleep, including sleep deprivation is contrary to the tips habits shrink the stomach, every day adult takes 6-7 hours sleep to rest after a day of activity.
Good luck, good luck running tips on how to shrink belly fat, belly fat goodbye.