Kamis, 14 April 2011
Key healthy mix
The main key is ..
Be friendly ...
If you're friendly anyone would feel comfortable around you ... and if it is so .. who wants to introduce it kepadamupun teman2 will say 'acquaintance baek aja .. he's looked "... and will add a lot of your friends ....
How friendly it ...??
It's easy, surely you do not install air of like people who respected ... enlightening your face in the sense garnish with a small smile .. because remember, people who smile a different aura ....
Easy-easy get along .. but do not hang out in the wrong direction .... and sometimes you do not speak out frankly that would indirectly offend anyone because it is already a minus value ....
Be smart joke,,,, because it's one lane open a lot of friends .. usually chat feels so fresh, so you are considered good by people ...
Do not be picky ...!!!
Mix with anyone regardless of status or social .... except against those who would plunge her social slowly away .. .. so we do not carry them and not offend them too .. so you can be friends with anyone ...
fish greeting .. .. piiss source yahoo answer
Mingle PROCEDURESA. Procedures Mingle with Parents.Who is the person closest to you sejal born? Of course your parents, right? It is they who brought you into this world with God's permission. Betap of their services so that you will not be mempu count. But, let's try our detailed services to our fathers and mothers!1. Pregnant women with great difficulty, kamudian birth with very ill.2. diving two-year nursing mothers lovingly. He is more awake at night due to meet the needs of children.3. Mother and father care for us so that we are ready to live independently.4. My father worked hard to meet family needs.5. His father and mother gave provision of education.6. His father and mother give love with sincerity without asking for a reply.Note the description above! The services mentioned above are just a small part of parents to child services. Therefore, should we devote to them. Look! God medudukkan devotion to duty both in the second rank after the obligation to worship God Almighty. Firman Allah swt:It means: "And your Lord has commanded that ye should not worship other than Him, and be kind to mother your father bebuat best ...." (Surat al-Isra ': 23)Once the services of our parents so that the pleasure and the wrath of God depends on both the pleasure and wrath. Messenger of Allah said:It means: "the pleasure of God depends on the pleasure of parents and the wrath of God depends on the wrath of both." (Narrated by Tabrani)1. When parents are still alivea. Treating both premises polite and respectful.b. Fulfill all orders as long as they are not ordered to associate God and the sinner. If a parent ordered you to do immoral or shirk, you should not obey them. However, you should still treat with a good command of Allah as follows.It means: "And if they (parents) to force you to associate me (God) with something that you have no knowledge about it then do not follow their pergaulilah kedanya and the world well." (Surah Luqman: 15)c. Helping job at homed. Following all the advicee. Help when needed economic life2. When parents have diedDid you ever think that parents will devote to stop when they pass away? Actually, not so. Islam leads his people to remain dutiful to their parents even though they had died. Let's see how this provided the following Islamic!a. If both are Muslim, you can mendo'akan them any time to obtain the forgiveness of God. Prayer that is taught isIt means: "My Lord, forgive me and my parents and their rahmatilah as both have been memeliharaku at small time."b. carry out his will.c. Connecting and continue the relationship that previously was done by both parents.d. Maintain their good name.B. Mingle with the Teacher ProceduresGurulah that has been educating and teaching science to us. As educators, teachers, forming a human we become believers, understand good and bad, virtuous noble character, and become the person responsible, whether in self, community, nation and state.Master's precisely what makes us intelligent people and understand science. Thus, we will obtain a high position before God and man as the word of Allah swt:It means: "... .. God will exalt those who believe among you and the knowledgeable people some degree of knowledge." (Surat al-Mujahadah: 1)How do I devote to teacher / course you honor them by being:1. humility, courtesy and respect;2. implement his advice;3. greetings when meeting;4. menperhatikan if spoken inside and outside of birth;5. carry out his orders with sincerity.Listen and Friends of Ali's words petiklah value following ra!It means: "I am a servant of one who taught me a hurly. If my dijuallah willed and if she willed me freed. "Reflections:• dutiful to parents will bring us closer to God.• Acting in accordance with religious rules will save the world and the hereafter• Good Morals is key in dealing with parents, teachers, peers, older people, younger people, and the opposite sex.C. Procedures Mingle with Older PeopleTry you inagat back your childhood! Would you be educated and taught to respect older brother, uncle, aunt, grandfather, and grandmother? Do you not respect them? Jangalah doing that, both now and in the years to come! Respect for older people is tantamount to glorifying God Almighty. Messenger of Allah said:It means: "Some signs to glorify God, namely respect for Muslims who have white hair." (Narrated by Abu Daud)Who is older? Remember that people who are older in age, experience, knowledge, position or influence! We must respect older people with the following reasons.1. Older people usually have views and thoughts of a broader, both in knowledge and life experience.2. advice-advice Sangata amalakan valuable to us.3. older people are usually more wise in all things.After knowing it, what would you do? How do you / Come on, we see some ways this berikuti!1. Showing courtesy and respect to them, both in words and deeds2. Keeping his honor by keeping his good name.3. Provide opportunities first in all things, such as talking, sitting, eating, and walking.4. Respect his opinion.This entry was written on 03/04/2009 at 1:44 pm and is stored in the Islamic.
How to Easily Make a Baby Happy
[How to Easily Make Baby Happy]
Everybody wants to be loved, including your baby. Although only known to the world, your little baby can already feel the warmth of love.KapanLagi.com - What a happy moment tears and laughter fill your days. Your little baby like a jewel that will always keep you for life. If your baby is happy, then you also will be happy for him. Hmm ... babies can feel happy? Sure you can.
Maybe he was only a few days. Maybe your baby can not remember the faces of members of the discharge. Your baby also you've never taught about what love is and what it is happy. Make no mistake, it does not mean they can not feel love and happy as people who have grown up.
Instincts baby can be more powerful than adults. They can feel whether they loved or not, whether you're happy or not. So you should not be surprised if your baby is fussy when you're facing a tough problem, because he knew without the need to tell you.
Well, you certainly do not want your babies as young as several days or several months to feel the bitterness of the world. You'll want to introduce how much fun loved, how nice to feel happy. How you can make your baby is always happy?
Make Him Comfortable
Make your baby comfortable does not mean to make ends meet with a box of expensive babies, famous clothing brands that spend half your salary per month or toy with ten security certificate. The most important thing to them is feeling comfortable.
Warm hug, a nice bath, a soft bed, a wet diaper promptly replaced and relaxed atmosphere will make your baby happy. If he wanted to sleep, do not push yourself to play with him, the baby will also need time for play and rest. Respect their schedules!
Ask Him Story
Do not think your baby does not understand what she heard, because that's always remove yourself from your child if you want to talk about the less well with your husband or your family. Make sure your baby hear things are good in any case.
Talk to him about that sunny day, how happy you are, tell me also plans fun you want to do later with him. All the fun stories that will be left in its memory. Make this occasion as the planting of beautiful memories how much you love her.
Sing For him
Sounds ugly, and never taking a course vocals no excuse for not singing to your baby. Humming sound of a mother who is singing most want to be heard by your baby. Sing a song you can do at any time, when put him to sleep or when playing with him.
Surely you're old enough to choose the songs and lyrics such as what is appropriate for your baby. You also must know that the baby is very sensitive, choose a song with a soft tone, your voice can surely achieve these tones. Select a cheery song while playing, select a soft song as an introduction to sleep.
Participate Include Your Family
The process makes you happy baby can not you do yourself. Tell the whole family and people who interact with your baby about the rules you have designed. Do not let you tell your friends happy but complain about something while holding your baby.
That way, you can make your baby happy and feel loved. You'll be pleased to see your baby grow and healthy with lots of people who loved him. Let's try it! (Wo / WSW)
sorce: berbagai artikel.com
Study Tips for Effective
Written by adm02
Saturday, 27 June 2009 11:25
Effective Study Tips
You'll want to make good preparation for one semester to the next. Much like the participants themselves who are required to prepare all purposes, such as textbooks, exercise books or uniforms. In addition, there are some important things you need to consider, First, determine your target on what this semester. Then create a daily schedule that it steps towards the target. In order to target its learning goals more quickly, here are some tips on how to effective learning, which has been proven by several advanced countries. These tips can you run yourself, or transmitted to your students.
1. A friend from America to advise that he can learn from his father. The first day of school, re-re-lessons learned. After that brief read the next two pages for search skeleton material only. Once the teacher explained the lesson the next day, you already have a picture or basically, just to add just what you do not know. So it came home from school, staying just repeat to seek conclusion or summary.
2. Always full concentration time listening to lectures delivered teacher or totor. Content you hear will easily be called again once you memorize the repeated lessons.
3. Some friends also recommended to re-type notes into the computer lessons. Logically, with a note to retype means tantamount to re-read the lesson you just got from school. The material was repeated in the brain's memory can be stored for long periods of time. Even better if re-read or study the notes after typing.
4. Another way is to re-read the lesson notes and then make a conclusion with the sentence itself. In order to etched long in the memory, write the conclusion earlier in a small piece of paper the size of a business card. The cards are effective to repeat and read brief spare time.
5. Another friend suggested to always use a different record books on every subject. This method is considered better organized so that at times want to repeat a lesson we no longer need to open all the books.
6. Repeating the lessons do not always have to read or write. Teach another friend about a new material that could be repeated would make you always remember the material. Good again, you become more aware of the material.
7. Learning suddenly before the test was not effective. At least a month before the test is an ideal time for repeat lessons. The material does not matter much. How: always make a summary or conclusions at each lesson, if you need to use tables or illustrations so easy to remember.
8. There are some friends in Australia who likes learning time during the day. Understandably, the body is still fresh after getting enough sleep at night, so the spirit is still high. Good condition did not they just waste it. Full concentration on their morning classes and afternoon concentration to repeat again. At night they used to do only light activities or homework. So it's never staying.
9. If the body tired, will make concentration difficult. Some friends suggested to first holiday of a sporting event or other physical activity a day ahead of general tests.
10. Learn while listening to music is fun. Select a quiet but evocative music. Kinds of classical music Beethoven Mozart ato can be tried. This type of music really suited for accompany you during a task that the answer is certain, as mathematics, natural sciences or foreign languages. Guaranteed learning stamina you will always contain and energetic.
It confused yes if everyone gave each other know what to do. Most important is to prioritize your priorities. Because we usually judge themselves from what is felt, while others only see from what we produce. Meanwhile, what can we produce our own only knows. So, make a target that you believe could reach it not what other people think. So also with how to learn effectively, choose either way which one best fits your situation. Good luck!
Source: Study Tips from Students, www.adprima.com
Last Updated on Saturday, 27 June 2009 11:31
Written by adm02
Saturday, 27 June 2009 11:25
Effective Study Tips
You'll want to make good preparation for one semester to the next. Much like the participants themselves who are required to prepare all purposes, such as textbooks, exercise books or uniforms. In addition, there are some important things you need to consider, First, determine your target on what this semester. Then create a daily schedule that it steps towards the target. In order to target its learning goals more quickly, here are some tips on how to effective learning, which has been proven by several advanced countries. These tips can you run yourself, or transmitted to your students.
1. A friend from America to advise that he can learn from his father. The first day of school, re-re-lessons learned. After that brief read the next two pages for search skeleton material only. Once the teacher explained the lesson the next day, you already have a picture or basically, just to add just what you do not know. So it came home from school, staying just repeat to seek conclusion or summary.
2. Always full concentration time listening to lectures delivered teacher or totor. Content you hear will easily be called again once you memorize the repeated lessons.
3. Some friends also recommended to re-type notes into the computer lessons. Logically, with a note to retype means tantamount to re-read the lesson you just got from school. The material was repeated in the brain's memory can be stored for long periods of time. Even better if re-read or study the notes after typing.
4. Another way is to re-read the lesson notes and then make a conclusion with the sentence itself. In order to etched long in the memory, write the conclusion earlier in a small piece of paper the size of a business card. The cards are effective to repeat and read brief spare time.
5. Another friend suggested to always use a different record books on every subject. This method is considered better organized so that at times want to repeat a lesson we no longer need to open all the books.
6. Repeating the lessons do not always have to read or write. Teach another friend about a new material that could be repeated would make you always remember the material. Good again, you become more aware of the material.
7. Learning suddenly before the test was not effective. At least a month before the test is an ideal time for repeat lessons. The material does not matter much. How: always make a summary or conclusions at each lesson, if you need to use tables or illustrations so easy to remember.
8. There are some friends in Australia who likes learning time during the day. Understandably, the body is still fresh after getting enough sleep at night, so the spirit is still high. Good condition did not they just waste it. Full concentration on their morning classes and afternoon concentration to repeat again. At night they used to do only light activities or homework. So it's never staying.
9. If the body tired, will make concentration difficult. Some friends suggested to first holiday of a sporting event or other physical activity a day ahead of general tests.
10. Learn while listening to music is fun. Select a quiet but evocative music. Kinds of classical music Beethoven Mozart ato can be tried. This type of music really suited for accompany you during a task that the answer is certain, as mathematics, natural sciences or foreign languages. Guaranteed learning stamina you will always contain and energetic.
It confused yes if everyone gave each other know what to do. Most important is to prioritize your priorities. Because we usually judge themselves from what is felt, while others only see from what we produce. Meanwhile, what can we produce our own only knows. So, make a target that you believe could reach it not what other people think. So also with how to learn effectively, choose either way which one best fits your situation. Good luck!
Source: Study Tips from Students, www.adprima.com
Last Updated on Saturday, 27 June 2009 11:31
Langkah-langkah belajar efektif adalah mengetahui
- diri sendiri
- kemampuan belajar anda
- proces yang berhasil anda gunakan, dan dibutuhkan
- minat, dan pengetahuan atas mata pelajaran anda inginkan
Empat langkah untuk belajar.
Mulai dengan cetak halaman ini dan jawab pertanyan-pertanyaannya. Lalu rencanakan strategi anda dari jawaban-jawabanmu, dan dengan "Pedoman Belajar" yang lain.
Mulai dengan masa lalu | Apakah pengalaman anda tentang cara belajar? Apakah anda What was your experience about how you learn? Did you
Bagaimana anda berkomunikasi dengan apa yang anda ketahui belajar paling baik? Melalui ujian tertulis, naskah, atau wawancara? |
Teruskanke masa sekarang | Berminatkah anda? Berapa banyak waktu saya ingin gunakan untuk belajar? Apa yang bersaing dengan perhatian saya? Apakah keadaannya benar untuk meraih sukses? Apa yang bisa saya kontrol, dan apa yang di luar kontrol saya? Bisakah saya merubah kondisi ini menjadi sukses? Apa yang mempengaruhi pembaktian anda terhadap pelajaran ini? Apakah saya punya rencana? Apakah rencanaku mempertimbangkan pengalaman dan gaya belajar anda? |
Pertimbangkan proses, persoalan utama | Apa judulnya? Apa kunci kata yang menyolok? Apakah saya mengerti? Apakah yang telah saya ketahui? Apakah saya mengetahui pelajaran sejenis lainnya? Sumber-sumber dan informasi yang mana bisa membantu saya? Apakah saya mengandalkan satu sumber saja (contoh, buku)? Apakah saya perlu mencari sumber-sumber yang lain? Sewaktu saya belajar, apakah saya tanya diri sendiri jika saya mengerti? Sebaiknya saya mempercepat atau memperlambat? Jika saya tidak mengerti, apakah saya tanya kenapa? Apakah saya berhenti dan meringkas? Apakah saya berhenti dan bertanya jika ini logis? Apakah saya berhenti dan mengevaluasi (setuju/tidak setuju)? Apakah saya membutuhkan waktu untuk berpikir dan kembali lagi? Apakah saya perlu mendiskusi dengan "pelajar-pelajar" lain untuk proces informasin lebih lanjut? Apakah saya perlu mencari "para ahli", guruku atau pustakawan atau ahliawan? |
Buat review | Apakah kerjaan saya benar? Apakah bisa saya kerjakan lebih baik? Apakah rencana saya serupa dengan "diri sendiri"?Apakah saya memilih kondisi yang benar? Apakah saya meneruskannya; apakah saya disipline pada diri sendiri? Apakah anda sukses? Apakah anda merayakan kesuksesan anda? |
Halaman ini digambarkan dari "metacognition", istilah yang diciptakan oleh Flavell (1976), dan disampaikan oleh banyak orang. Sumber-sumber tambahan telah dikembangkan oleh SNOW (Special Needs Opportunity Windows), suatu project yang menargetkan pada pendidik-pendidik bantuan.
Tips: How to Make Ice Cream From Balloon Bowl
Posted by admin on 8th April 2011, under Celoteh, Life
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Tips: How to Make Ice Cream Bowl BalonSetelah From my previous posting about Meriahkan tips GarudaFood Joint Birthday Party, this time I will give you tips to make bowls for ice cream using a balloon. Let's first put the ingredients are: balloon, liquid chocolate, and ice cream.
For the chocolate dough and ice cream please in kreasikan by agan / cyst because I do not understand the material for the dough: shy: and for the balloon I suggest using a slightly oval balloon.Do not forget to rinse his balloon in yes, the next step is to blow the balloon just enough to fit approximately the size of a bowl of ice cream.
Dip the balloon into the chocolate as in the picture below
Tips: How to Make Ice Cream From Balloon Bowl
Then put the balloon in place of the flat and let the chocolate flowing down to form such basic bowl
Tips: How to Make Ice Cream From Balloon Bowl
Set aside some time to dry
Tips: How to Make Ice Cream From Balloon Bowl
Once the chocolate dries hard, remove the balloon and finished mangkokpun
Tips: How to Make Ice Cream From Balloon Bowl
Enter the ice cream into a bowl and decorate it interesting
Tips: How to Make Ice Cream From Balloon Bowl
And ... voilaaa .. bowl of ice cream with chocolate is ready to serve: 2thumbup
Tips: How to Make Ice Cream From Balloon Bowl
Have fun and eat ice cream bowl
Tips: How to Make Ice Cream From Balloon Bowl
Maybe agan / cyst had its own creations to the ingredients? Please be developed, this is only for inspiration only.
Many ways to create a different atmosphere with low cost, bowls of ice cream from the balloon is perfect served as gathering with family or a birthday party. Please read also the article Meriahkan GarudaFood Joint Birthday Party: survivor
Source image: http://www.dtrending.com/2011/04/cool-tips-how-to-make-chocolate-ice.html
Donations you click on the ads below will be helpful for the continuity of this blog, thank you: shakehand
Rahasia dan Cara Cepat Kaya
Adakah cara cepat menjadi kaya raya? Adakah rahasia menjadi kaya secara instan? Jawabannya, ada! Tapi ilegal, seperti jualan narkoba, merampok, dll. Ah, jangan yang ilegal, yang legal dan aman-aman aja deh.. ada? Ada! Menikahlah dengan orang kaya raya
Tapi ngedeketin orang kaya juga butuh usaha banyak dan waktu, gimana dong? Wake up, man! Bangun! Sadar! Jangan mau enak doang! Usaha dong!
Cepat itu berapa lama?
Buat saya, menjadi kaya dalam waktu 5 tahun adalah waktu yang cepat, sementara bagi orang lain mungkin itu terlalu lama.
Buat saya, menjadi kaya dalam waktu 5 tahun adalah waktu yang cepat, sementara bagi orang lain mungkin itu terlalu lama.
Kuncinya adalah Belajar dan Usaha
Seberapa cepat anda menjadi kaya tergantung dari seberapa cepat anda belajar. Seperti seorang salesman, seberapa cepat ia belajar mengenai produk yang dijualnya, cara presentasi, cara mengatasi keberatan klien, cara mengatasi rasa takut ditolak dan lain sebagainya, kemudian mempraktekkan ilmunya menentukan seberapa cepat ia sukses. Kalau ia malas belajar, malas ikut pelatihan sales, akan semakin lama ia belajar sehingga ia tidak akan praktek, dan semakin lama ia (kalau tidak akan) kaya.
Seberapa cepat anda menjadi kaya tergantung dari seberapa cepat anda belajar. Seperti seorang salesman, seberapa cepat ia belajar mengenai produk yang dijualnya, cara presentasi, cara mengatasi keberatan klien, cara mengatasi rasa takut ditolak dan lain sebagainya, kemudian mempraktekkan ilmunya menentukan seberapa cepat ia sukses. Kalau ia malas belajar, malas ikut pelatihan sales, akan semakin lama ia belajar sehingga ia tidak akan praktek, dan semakin lama ia (kalau tidak akan) kaya.
Begitu juga dengan internet marketing. Seberapa cepat anda belajar internet marketing menentukan seberapa cepat anda berhasil di dunia ini. Belajar yang saya katakan di sini bukan hanya belajar teori lho, tapi juga belajar dari pengalaman, terutama pengalaman gagal. Kalau beberapa kali gagal anda menyerah, ya selamanya tidak akan pernah berhasil. Anda pasti tahu cerita-cerita orang-orang sukses yang berkali-kali gagal, tapi pantang menyerah, dan akhirnya berhasil.
Robert Kiyosaki mengatakan bahwa uang tidak menjadikan kita kaya. Kalau dengan ukuran uang, punya uang Rp 500 juta mungkin sudah membuat saya merasa kaya raya, sedangkan menurut orang lain punya uang segitu belum bisa dibilang kaya. Proses belajarlah yang menjadikan kita kaya. Dengan belajar, kita punya ilmu, dan ilmu itu bisa membuat kita kaya.
Kenapa banyak orang miskin yang kaya mendadak karena menang undian tidak dapat mempertahankan kekayaannya, kemudian dalam waktu singkat jatuh miskin kembali? Karena mereka tidak melalui proses pembelajaran dalam mendapatkan kekayaan itu.
Akhir kata, tidak ada yang namanya kaya mendadak (kecuali seperti yang sudah disebutkan di atas). Semuanya perlu proses belajar, dan memakan waktu. Kalau anda tergiur dengan para penjual mimpi di internet yang menawarkan rahasia dan cara cepat kaya dari internet atau cara gampang mendapatkan uang dari internet, pikirkanlah lagi dan lagi. Kalau dikatakan, “Saya menghasilkan Rp 10 juta dalam 10 hari.” Apakah 10 hari selanjutnya dia masih menghasilkan Rp 10 juta lagi, atau cuma satu kali itu saja dan dia sudah berani buat ebook?
Daripada buang-buang duit beli ebook yang pengarangnya gak jelas, dengan screenshot bukti penghasilan yang gampang dimodifikasi, mendingan beli buku yang pengarangnya sudah terbukti beneran orang kaya yang kompeten, yang tidak mengajarkan cara kaya instan melainkan mengajarkan konsep cara menjadi kaya, seperti buku-buku karangan Napoleon Hill, Robert Kiyoaski, Donald Trump dll.
How to Maintain Relationships Love With Boyfriend / Love To No End Love
Having a boyfriend who we love and love is very pleasant to live. During the period dating there would be problems from time to time. If you succeed through it all, then your success is married to doi.
Below are some things you should do to keep your relationship fun and smooth with a boyfriend to marry her beloved thus:
1. The Intensive Communication
With advanced technology, you can often call and send sms to him with a fresh chatter and not boring. Try to be the he would call every night with cheap rate so you can linger to chat with him alone. If the doi already feel comfortable and happy ditelfon the communication that you do in good condition.
Avoid asking the same thing over and over again and can make your partner bored to answer it. If you have something interesting and new, Convey. In addition to the evening, leave the him for too long. Enough with the phone for a while and some fresh sms. Do not force it to communicate if the circumstances are not allowed.
2. Give More Attention
Treat him the different and better than anyone else. When her birthday or certain events and also congratulate you can give a gift. Make it as if he was a very special and you do not want to lose him. Doi If there is a problem, help at least by listening to confide in and help by giving a solution.
3. The expression of Love Heart And Fair
Do not give over-expression of rags that do not fit with reality. Express your love to taste fairly unaffected alias force. Create varasi expression of love you with various methods and ways to avoid monotony.
4. Learn Nature And Behaviour
Observe and learn what she likes and what he dislikes. If you already know, do not do the things he did not like and do what he likes as long as not violating the rule of law, norms and religion as well as not to burden you. Avoid sexual intercourse outside of marriage to avoid the complicated issues that can arise. Decline invitations well dangerous, because it is not necessarily going to marry you.
5. Do not Cheap And matre
When being left alone if possible tanggunglah both courtship costs such as meals, movies, shopping, snacks, transport, etc.. Do not wants paid for it without the slightest sacrifice your money to people you care. But if one is already working and the other does not work, paid for is something that is fair.
6. Clarify Future Relations
Commitment to marriage is something that is important and needs to be agreed upon showing that you and your partner love each other. The commitment can be expressed in the beginning or after a long touch. The clearer your relationship with him, the stronger your bond with the him. Moreover, if the families of both parties already know and merestuinya. Pray to God that you will be happy with your partner.
7. Good Family Relationships
Keep good relations with family members of the him not to cause problems and a negative image. If there is a problem to settle a family with your partner. Marriage is not only the union of a man with women, but also to marry the two families.
8. Honest And Being Yourself
Be as yourself and not imitate the scenes soap operas, novels, movies, and so forth. Without pretending to be someone who is perfect, we will feel free to loose no load in through your love relationships.
Try not to lie to your lover and tell me what it is in accordance with actual circumstances. Once a lie then you must make another lie to cover it. If you are married will be more beautiful if honest with each other without any falsehood among you with him.
9. Keeping Emotions
Do not reply to emotion with emotion. Use a high patience to dampen anger of her. Disclose if you do not like him angry rampage. If he made a mistake or a lie even do not let your emotions explode. Stay calm and use common sense in living a problem. Speak well and gentle but firm in dealing with something as emotional sometimes it is only temporary. Emotions are very dangerous clashing in keeping in touch so as not to breakup.
10. There Resolve Issues Quickly
Do not put off looking for the solution of problems that arise. If the state created a floating too long then maybe he will turn away from you and having another love. As far as possible the relationship could go back affectionately as usual after the issue is resolved.
11. Always Faithful
It is very important is to maintain confidence in the doi. If you get caught going out again with other people then crushed her heart if she knew. Never double your love, because it is very harmful to your relationship with your boyfriend.
12. Balanced / Out of Domination
Do not let the relationship run into less comfortable because the one considered or consider themselves more mature, smarter, richer, and so forth. Make yourself with him balanced each other without distinction. The situation is balanced between men and women as friends would be wonderful than that one should always obey the will of either party continuously like a servant.
13. Do Fun Things
Something that makes you both happy to not be that expensive. Maybe by shopping together to shopping, ride motorcycles together or sitting together on a park bench that is free to please both sides. Enjoy the times you are courting a beautiful so as not to regret later when married.
- May the love story you pray with current boyfriend always safe levels under control until marriage is holy and sacred.
Additional: If you do not love your girlfriend or just hate it speak well to find a way out or the best solutions about your relationship. If your love relationship will only make you suffer, then do not waste your time and immediately look for people who really sincere heart and you love that person also loves you.
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