Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Chamomile flower Prevent Diabetes

A recent study conducted Atsushi Kato and colleagues prove chamomile able to keep you from diabetes. The study was published in the ACS Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in Japan and the UK.

Atsushi researching chamomile flowers, another name Manzanilla, which is used for the treatment of health problems such as stress, fever, and menstrual disorders.

To find other uses, Atsushi examined the participants affected by diabetes for 21 days. The results showed decreased levels of sugar in the circulation of the body is very significant participant.

The best way is to consume chamomile menyeduhnya with hot water like when you make tea. According to Atsushi, drinking chamomile tea along with a time of eating food can prevent diabetes complications such as loss of sight distance, nerve damage, and kidney damage.

"The content of chamomile flowers can neutralize the sugar levels in the body, so avoid diabetes," said Atsushi.

Besides being able to prevent diabetes, chamomile, which is the daisy family of flowers is also believed to be able to reduce stress and serve as muscle relaxation and reduce tension.

Sources: Rileks.Com

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