Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Tips Distinguishing Honey Original or Fake (How to distinguish Genuine Honey)

Tips and how to distinguish authentic honey and honey which are false. Honey is sticky and sweet fluid produced by bees and other insects from the nectar of flowers. Honey is sweeter than table sugar and has the chemical characteristics of interest for roasting. Honey has a different taste that makes people more liked than sugar and other sweeteners.

1. Fill in the honey into a glass until filled 1 / 3 cup kira2, then pour water into the glass to the brim and then in the mix.
If Honey is:
ORIGINAL: the mixture of water will be muddy color, it is because honey contains pollen still
FALSE: the water mixture will be slightly translucent in color.

2. Pour honey into a tablespoon, then heat the honey-filled spoon over a candle.
If Honey is:
ORIGINAL: then if it is boiling honey will be issued a foam, and foam and honey is definitely WILL melt spilling out of the spoon. Then after a cold aduk2 using sticks and honey if the honey is removed by a stick still feels soft.
FALSE: then if it is boiling honey will be issued a foam, and foam and the honey WILL NOT melt spilling out of the spoon. Then after a cold aduk2 using sticks and honey if the honey is removed with a stick, he will feel somewhat hard and will form a thin wire.

3. Prepare glass jars (eg jam jars used). The contents of raw fish pieces into the jar and soaked with honey.
If Honey is:
ORIGINAL: then after 2 weeks of the stretcher pieces of fish do not shrink alias is still in its original form and will remove the smell.
FALSE: then after 2 weeks tesebut fish fillets will shrink / shrunk from its original form.

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