Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

The sex Passion Myth Thin Men Big Fat Men From It Right

Thin man said he had a greater sex drive than men fat. But scientists did research done to prove such. Ideal body weight is very supportive of sexual life, especially for men. In addition to more freely experiment with the position of men over without hurting her partner, a thin man is also more excited than a fat man.

Thin man's sex drive is greater than the fat

A study at Duke University showed that 30 percent of men who have the problem of overweight complain less eager to have sex. Even when forced, his erection was not optimal and sometimes accompanied by premature ejaculation. According to Martin Binks, PhD, who conducted the study, one of the triggers is the levels of fat and cholesterol in the body. In the fat man, fat and high cholesterol can lead to narrowing of blood vessels in the area including the penile shaft.

Disruption of blood flow in the area causing an erection can not be maximal. In addition, the sensitivity or the sensitivity of the nerves to receive the stimulus of the pair is also reduced, so the appetite for sex will decline. Another factor that reduces the desire for sex is a hormonal factor. Testosterone or sex hormone levels in obese men was not optimal because there is the release of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) which is a kind of protein that binds to sex hormones.

The more SHBG is produced by the body, the more testosterone is bound so it can not work optimally. And as quoted from Medicinenet, Wednesday (04/20/2011), testosterone is a sex hormone that plays an important role in arousing sexual desire in men.

To arouse sexual desire in men fat outages, can be done several ways. One of them, as revealed by Bink is a hormone replacement therapy or hormone replacement therapy, ie, by injecting extra testosterone.

There is also an easier way cheaper at the same time, by losing weight through diet and exercise. Bink said, weight loss of 4.5 kg in obese men was able to provide increased sex drive is quite significant.

source: http://ruanghati.com

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