Jumat, 04 November 2011

Trimming Your Own Hair: Tips for Haircutting Learn How To Cut Hair and Look Like You’ve Had It Done in a Salon By Jacquie Generraspoi

With the economic crush many are feeling, you may be tempted to cut corners by saving on personal maintenance and learn how to trim your own hair. Although it’s possible to save by trimming your own hair, you will need tips for haircutting. If you want to self style, these instructions provide the basics. These are the fundamentals for how to cut hair. If you want all the tricks of the trade so that you can cut hair like a pro and never deal with another bad haircut, check
  1. Shampoo and condition your hair. It is easier to cut hair that is clean and wet. Using conditioner will also help you comb the hair into sections when you get to that step.
  2. Remove excess water with a towel. When preparing for cutting hair, do not rub or try to dry the hair. You want it wet but not dripping. If your hair dries quickly you may need to rewet it during the process. If you cut some sections when wet and others when dry you are more likely to have an uneven cut.
  3. Comb hair to separate into sections. Try for smaller sections so you won’t be overwhelmed by the task of trimming the hair. The basic sections should be at minimum front top, each side, back top and back bottom. If your hair is layered then you need to divide sections for each of the layers.
  4. Secure sections not being cut with the clips. You will need to focus on your hair one section at a time so get the hair not being cut out of your way.
  5. Start small. Start on one side of your face. Use the comb to separate an amount of hair that when flattened between your fingers, is less than 2” wide and thin enough to see the spaces between the hair.
  6. Follow the current style. You want to use your present style and cut as your template. Try to trim the same length off of each area – whether you want a short trim of ¼” or shooting for a ½” or more – be consistent throughout the style. This means watching for layers as well.
  7. Pull the hair between your first and middle finger until you near the end of the strands. If you are trimming ¼” then pull the hair through until that much hair is visible on the cutting side of your hand.
  8. Cut hair using your fingers as a guide. Slowly trim the hair being sure that you have a firm hold on the hair between your fingers. If you slip or angle the hold on your hair, you will have an uneven trim.
  9. Repeat cuts throughout all the sections. Try to be patient. Trimming your own hair is time consuming. Work your way around your style.
  10. Dry and style your hair as normal. Once dry any stragglers or uneven sections will become visible.
  11. Enjoy your freshened style. Trimming the dead weight off the ends of your hair can leave your style refreshed and lighter. Let your hair swing and go out to enjoy your trimmed ‘do.
It is possible to learn how to trim your own hair but it takes patience and practice along with some tips for haircutting. Cutting hair is not difficult if you have a steady hand with the scissors and are willing to work at it, you can give yourself a trim with ease.
Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How to Administer Insulin

how to administer insulinPeople with diabetes typically undergo several insulin injections per day. They need insulin shots for them to have normal carbohydrates, protein and fat metabolism. Insulin administration at home is a bit easy. You only need a syringe, insulin vial and a refrigerator. Do not reuse syringe after each administration procedure and keep your insulin vials in your refrigerator. It is also important that you double check the amount of dosage as well as the type of insulin that your doctor prescribed. Follow these simple and easy tips on how to administer insulin.
Before anything else, read the insulin label to ensure that you will be administering the correct insulin. You should wash your hands with soap and water to avoid any unnecessary infection. Mix the insulin vial before you use it but don’t shake it to avoid problems. Collect the insulin from the vial using the syringe. Remove the syringe once the vial is filled with the right amount of insulin. Use alcohol swipes when wiping off the top of the insulin vial. You must also double check if there is any sign of bubbles in the syringe. Since bubbles tend to accumulate at times when you pull out the insulin into syringe, you can tap out the bubbles or replace the insulin in the vial.
Next, you must locate the part of the body where you will administer insulin injection. Injection sites are usually those fatty layers such as arms, stomach, thighs and buttocks. Don’t inject insulin on the part of the body with a scar because it might impede the insulin absorption. Wipe the injection site with an alcohol swipe. Be gentle during the process of injection. Be sure that the needle did not get through any vein. Once a vein is damaged, blood will accumulate in the syringe. Once all the insulin has been injected into the body, remove the needle and throw the syringe in a sharps container.
Painful insulin injection can be lessened if the insulin is administered at room temperature. Ensure that there are no air bubbles in the syringe before the injection. You should administer insulin once the topical alcohol has evaporated completely. The muscles in the injection site should relaxed and not tense during the injection. The needle must penetrate in the skin quickly and the direction of the needle during the insertion and withdrawal should not be changed. Lastly, the needles must never be reused.
Here are some few reminders when administering insulin whether self-injection or done by medical personnel. There are a number of people with diabetes who dislike injections which may affect their glycemic control. Self-injection are advisable for people who are 10 years and older. It is recommended that the injection sites should be regularly checked and that the injection techniques, which include pen injector technique and injection by syringe, should be periodically reviewed. Needles and syringes should be properly disposed of in accordance with local regulations. The insulin administration is the responsibility of parents, care providers, and health professionals.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How to Treat Blisters

how to treat blistersWe all get blisters from time to time, whether it’s when we’re breaking in a new pair of shoes or just spending too much time outside. When they get irritating and fill up with puss and water, you only hope not to pop it. Once the skin is torn and the watery puss oozes out, it gets even more irritating as it becomes an open wound. Not to mention it ruins your socks or even your shoes. Below I will explain how to treat blisters quickly so that you may continue to wear the same pair of shoes and continue walking as long as you want. This is a trick I learned in the infantry where you don’t take off your boots for weeks at times, so believe me it works!
Once it starts to swell up with liquid, make sure not to pop the blister. Nurture it until you have the chance to sit down and treat the blister properly. Take off your shoes and socks. For the next step you will need: a small plunger and wide needle (approx 1mm) to stick on the end, a small bottle of tincture of benzoin (also known as ‘Friar’s Balsam’) and some sports tape (approximately 3cm in width). While most people don’t have these things at home they can all be bought at your local pharmacy.
Step 1: Poke a small hole right on the edge of the blister, approximately 1mm from the outside edge blister bubble. Be careful not to poke it too deep, just enough to tear the skin and let the water ooze out. Use your thumbs to squeeze out all of the liquid from inside the blister. You may need to poke the hole again as if it’s not big enough it will close up.
Step 2: Once there is no more liquid in the blister take your plunger and fill it with tincture of benzoin from the bottle. Attach the needle (always use a clean needle!), turn the plunger and needle upside down so the needle points towards the sky. Press the plunger slightly so the tincture of benzoin starts to flow out of the needlepoint. Flick the plunger with your other hand while continuing to press on it to make sure all air bubbles have been released. Now place the needlepoint in the hole you poked in your blister earlier. Pull on it slightly so that an air pocket is formed between your flesh and outer skin (where the liquid was earlier).
Step 3: Squeeze the plunger quickly and pull it out and away from your foot. The first 3 seconds you will feel searing pain in the flesh under the blister. Be prepared so as to not push the needle into your flesh out of shock.
Step 4: Now that you have successfully replaced the liquid inside your blister with the tincture of benzoin, it will dry exceptionally quickly. Leave it there for a minute or so and drain the blister again. Leave a little tincture of benzoin inside the blister rather than draining it completely this time. Now wipe and dry all the skin surrounding your foot and apply one decent piece of sports tape across it. Make sure it sticks and will not come off.
This is how you treat blisters. From this moment on your foot problems are solved! Your skin is literally ‘glued’ back onto your flesh where the blister used to be. You can put your socks and shoes back on and enjoy your day. You may feel a little uncomfortable in the first few hours but it is nothing compared to earlier or what may have come. I recommend leaving the sports tape over the blister for 2-3 days.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How to Attract Birds

how to attract birdsOne way to attract birds to your yard is to provide them with an attractive environment that has food, cover and nesting sites. Select plants that have beauty, utility and wildlife value. Flowering dogwood is a good example. The flowers are spring prizes and its bright red fruits are both showy and avidly sought by birds. The gray dogwood, while not quite as showy as the flowering dogwood, may be even better for birds who relish its white berries.
Since birds like variety in shade trees, shrubs and lawns, the place to start planning is to take stock of what you already have. Look at your neighbor’s yard also and take advantage of his plant materials.
If you are attempting to attract birds like cardinals, thrashers, catbirds or mockingbirds, select one of the hawthorne trees. If you are interested in attracting robins or bluebirds, plant junipers, because the birds are attracted to the blue berries.
Many oak trees make good insect foraging foliage for worm-eating birds. The trees also make excellent nesting areas.
Besides trees and shrubs, there are other opportunities to attract birds to your backyard. Plant materials that cling to a trellis provide a food source as well as nesting places for many birds. You also may want to develop a feeding area and provide various kinds of seeds to attract birds of specific species.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How to Knit for Beginners

beginners knittingKnitting goes a long way into the past. Women in the old days used to knit to make clothes for their families, and although you can buy just about anything you need today, knitting remains to be a hobby for those who want to use their spare time to make something beautiful for those they love. Whatever you create will be unique and something no one else has. You have endless possibilities as to what to make: gloves, hats, scarves, sweaters, bags and purses, and a lot more. The fact that not many women knit nowadays makes it even more worth the effort.

Knitting for Beginners

You can start by learning the knitting basics such as long tail cast-on, which creates loops on the needle. There are long tail cast-on, cable cast-on and similar knitting on, which are all good to master, especially for buttonholes. After you learn cast-on, you can work the knit stitch and the purl stitch, which are the foundation stitches of knitting.
Long-tail cast-on, also known as double cast-on or continental cast-on is the fastest kind of cast-on and it creates an even, stretchy edge that works well for stockinette stitch or for ribbing. It’s easy to knit from, and also easy to pick up stitches from. If you need to cast on loosely, for example for sock cuffs and turtle necks, just take two needles and hold them together as one.  You will need about 12″ of tail for every 20 stitches, more if it’s bulky yarn. Dangle the tail from your thumb, this way the tail length won’t fluctuate with the needle size, so it’s easier to estimate yarn. Also, the yarn on the thumb side will tend to untwist as you go, but since it’s not attached to the ball end it’s easy to reintroduce the twist when you want to.
The fastest knitting method for beginners is probably knit and purl stitch, since it requires the fewest hand movements. You create the knit stitch by pulling a loop of yarn through an existing loop on the needle with the yarn in the back, and then by pulling it through with the yarn in front you create the purl stitch.
The continental style is the easiest; just hold the yarn in left hand, which will allow you to simply scoop, or pick, the yarn with the right needle. Use the middle finger or index finger to push the yarn down and to the right, to where the right needle can easily push it back through the stitch.
Now, you can go on to learn increases and decreases. Increases are basically adding stitches to the knitting, while decreases remove stitches thus narrowing the knitting. When it comes to increases, 3 methods are worth mentioning. M1L and M1R are the most discreet and invisible, and match each other symmetrically. Yarn Over (YO) is, by contrast, deliberately visible: it creates a decorative hole in the knitting, and this is why it is used as a little buttonhole and also in lace. The most frequent decreases K2tog (knit two together) and SSK (slip, slip, knit), which are both pretty easy. There are also double decreases  which remove two stitches at once.
And finally, this knitting fairy tale might make it easier for you to start. It goes something like this: The prince (your right hand needle) rides against the castle (first stitch on the left hand needle). He sneaks around and inside the backdoor, gets the princess (the thread) and rides out.
If you are a beginner in knitting, don’t get discouraged if your first piece is uneven, and full of errors, just remember it is only the beginning and as you keep practicing, your work will get better and you will get faster.
Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How to Duplicate Stitch

Duplicate StitchIt’s time to start pulling the sweaters out of the cedar chest, and as you do, keep this simple idea in mind for turning time-worn treasures into new. Duplicate stitching is an easy way to take an old, purchased sweater and give it a new look. If it’s still in good shape and has no distinctive design already stitched into it, consider learning how to duplicate stitch to bring it back to life.
Basically, duplicate stitching means just what it implies – you duplicate the knitted stitches with a needle and thread to sew a stitched design on the plain surface. Use a tapestry needle and one strand of matte cotton yarn to apply your design.
To sew your stitches, begin at the bottom of the “V” formed by one of the knitted stitches. Come up from the backside of the sweater, leaving a 3-inch tail dangling, which you can secure by working into adjacent stitches as you sew. Insert the needle at the top of one side of the “V,” then bring the needle back out at the other side. Finish the duplicate stitch by inserting the needle at the bottom of the “V”.
One design you can try out with this duplicate stitching technique is a simple stacked diamond pattern for an argyle look. To plan the design, count down the number of rows you want each diamond to cover (This needs to be an odd number, 21 to 41 is a good range). The shorter each diamond is, the more narrow, so you will be planning the width of your design at the same time. You might count the entire number of rows down the front of the sweater and divide by the number of diamonds you want, but don’t be concerned if the bottom diamond has fewer rows than the rest.
Next, fold the sweater in half arm-to-arm to mark the center of the sweater’s front. Begin just under the neckband with one duplicate stitch in the color of your choice, stitching on the fold if you will have one wide column of diamonds. Count over from the fold half the height of the diamond if you are planning two narrow columns side by side.
After sewing the top duplicate stitch of each diamond, move down to the next row and sew three duplicate stitches. Continue to add two stitches to each subsequent row until the diamond is as many stitches wide as it will be tall. Then continue stitching the diamond, but begin subtracting two stitches from each subsequent row so the bottom half of the diamond is a mirror image of the top.
When each diamond is completed, run the thread under the stitching on the backside to secure it. Then begin stitching the next color diamond in the stack so that its top point is adjacent.
When the diamonds are finished, complete the argyle look with a contrasting black diamond outline stitched on top. Mark your stitching line with a basting thread, forming stacked diamonds the same size as those you have already sewn but with points that meet at the midpoint of the colored diamonds.
After marking the stitching area, duplicate stitch one continuous zigzag line from the neck band to the waistband for half of the diamonds. Then sew another continuous zigzag for the other half of the diamonds. Note that after stitching in one direction to the side point of a diamond, you will stitch directly below this point before working in the opposite direction.
Other simple geometric shapes that can be duplicate stitched onto pullover or cardigan sweaters include flowers, snowflakes, nautical symbols, fruits, animals or card suits.
Graph paper and colored pencils or markers can make it easy to sketch out ideas you have for patterns, but remember to keep the proper scale conversion in mind by counting the number of stitches and rows per inch in your sweater.
Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How to Choose Running Shoes

how to choose running shoesRunning is hard work, but it’s such an easy sport to begin. You don’t need a $1000 bike, racquets, clubs, a court, a gym or a boat. Just lace up a good pair of running shoes and you’re out the door. Running shoes are the only necessary equipment, but they are fundamental to a good running experience.
If you can’t find a pair of running shoes that works for you, it’s likely you’ll give up the sport entirely or suffer through it with needless pain or injury.
Running is tough on the hips, legs and feet. But unless you have a congenital problem requiring a special attention by a sports physician, the running shoes on the market today are designed to protect you from the stresses of relentlessly pounding the pavement. If they don’t, if you repeatedly suffer from lower leg pain, blisters, calluses, sore knees, or a host of other problems, it could be that you’re wearing the wrong running shoes.
They may be too long or short, they may not match the shape of your foot, they may be too stiff or too flexible for your needs. As incredible as it may seem, regular long-distance running should not hurt beyond normal muscular soreness during gradual training to higher mileage. If it does, it often means something is wrong with your equipment rather than yourself. By following a few simple guidelines you should be able to try several changes of shoes until you find a pair that’s suitable. If that doesn’t work, get yourself to a physician familiar with running injuries to help you find the source of the trouble.
Starting the search
There are so many running shoes to choose from you may wonder how to begin the search. Examine your feet first. There are three basic shapes to both feet and running shoes – curved, semi-curved and straight. If you stand on a sheet of paper and draw around your bare feet, the outline should match the shape of your shoes. Bring the tracing and your old pair of sneakers, which may have their own story to tell, shopping with you.
Reading the Runners’s World magazine for a preview of the new shoes coming on the market can surely help.
The most important question you should ask yourself before choosing running shoes is is how much and what kind of running you intend to do. If you’re running only an occasional mile or two, the shoes you buy don’t have to handle the rigors of someone running 50 miles per week. The same may be true if your running is restricted to a comfortable health club track rather than concrete sidewalks.
Runners can start with shoes at the lower end of the price scale for a basic, low-mileage training shoe, but should expect to pay more for special features such as extra cushioning for heavier runners or motion control devices.
Comfort cannot be stressed enough. The shoe must feel very comfortable from the first moment. Running shoes should not require much of a breaking in period. If they don’t fit, don’t think they’ll feel better in a week or a month. Spending the time to try on and compare plenty of different models will pay off.
Replace a worn pair of running shoes by mileage rather than looks. Shoes begin to lose support your foot long before the carbon rubber bottom shows wear. If the shoelaces that once were snug and short seem to have grown, consider what’s happened to the rest of the shoe.
Shoes should fit with no slippage in the heel, with the arch support in the proper place and with plenty of room, both height and length, in the toebox. Many models offer special lacing systems to customize the fit, and your shoe salesperson should show you how to use them. Shoe manufacturers offer several different technologies using air, gel, water or pumps, but they’re all about the same and perform the same function, cushioning. Choose running shoes that fit your foot first.
Choose running shoes based on the characteristics of each particular model. Some are noted for flexibility, some for cushioning, some for their extra support features like heel counters and arch support. The major companies all offer some fine shoes, but fitting these shoe characteristics to your own feet should be of major concern.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How To Remove Warts

wart removalYou might believe that a doctor’s visit is in order every time you get a wart. It’s not. This can actually be an unnecessary medical cost where you could have used a home remedy and seen results just as effectively as any doctor would give you. Here are some simple and easy ways to remove warts with items that you might already have lying around the house.
Garlic and Duct Tape
A strange combination, yes. Just peel some garlic and slice a piece off that will cover the affected area completely. Use the duct tape to secure it into place and then you’re good to go! Do this for a half an hour every single day until you see the wart disappear. The time this takes varies from days to weeks, so you’ll have to have a bit of patience.
Hydrogen Peroxide
This is a surefire way to ensure that you get rid of that unsightly wart. It’ll work on the wart quickly and harden it. You’ll eventually notice it just fall off. This is an extremely inexpensive way to remove warts.
Tea Tree Oil
This seems like contradictory evidence. Doctors believe that warts are caused by HPV and are therefore not going to respond to any anti-bacterial treatment. Tea Tree Oil has anti-bacterial properties. Try it for yourself and see! A fair number of people swear by it.
Duct Tape Alone
You can also use duct tape by itself to remove any warts you have. Just apply some duct tape to the wart, and leave it there for six days. The material on the sticky side of the tape should soften the wart, and it should come right off when you take off the duct tape.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This stuff has been used to cure a lot of different ailments. Well now you can use it to remove warts, too. Soak a cotton ball in some apple cider vinegar, and place it on the wart before you go to bed. Use a piece of medical tape or other adhesive to hold it there until the morning. This may take up to a month before you see the wart disappear.
Castor Oil
Repeat the same process with the castor oil that you did with apple cider vinegar, and you’ll get the same results. Depending on which product you have in the house or which is cheaper, use whichever you choose.
A Potato
This home remedy is a little scarce but there are some people that say if you chop a potato in half and rub it on the wart daily, it will eventually just fall right off. You are more than welcome to try this one. If you are skeptical, there are many others in this list that are bound to work for you.
Removing a wart doesn’t have to be a chore, and it doesn’t have to cost you money for the medication that you might be prescribed by your doctor. Use these home remedies, find the one that works for you and save your money.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How To Prepare A Financial Statement

financial statementIf you’re anything like me, you might start to get a little nervous when it comes to reporting income, assets and liabilities. It can be a daunting task, and if you’re doing it for the first time then a long one too. However, it can actually be quite easy to learn how to prepare a financial statement.
Businesses create their statements to have a good view as to what kind of financial place they are in at any given time. If you don’t know where to look, software companies sell software that comes already prepared. If you are more comfortable around the concept of financial statements, you can create your own.
Let’s start our list:
1. Current Assets – An asset in this sense consists of cash, accounts receivable, inventory and any other assets that will be expected to be converted into cash within the next twelve months. Cash is going to be any money you have in the bank and any money market accounts. All the money that is due to the business from clients or customers will make up your accounts receivable. Inventory is any product you sell, obviously.
2. The Sum – Complete the sum by adding up and totaling all of the current assets and values that you have listed.
3. Fixed Assets – A fixed asset is something like a building, equipment, vehicles and land. Patents, trademarks and copyrights also fall into this category. Usually, fixed assets are the book value of any of these things lessened by any depreciation since the asset was acquired by you.
4. The Sum – Complete the sum again by adding the total of your fixed assets.
5. Complete Sum – Add the two numbers that you get from your current assets and values and your fixed assets and you’ll have your complete assets.
6. Liabilities – A liability is any account payable, note payable and debt that has been incurred and due in the next year or less. Money due to vendors for products and services on any credit account will make up your accounts payable. Interest or amounts due on notes at maturity make up your notes payable.
7. The Sum – Total your liabilities by adding the numbers together.
8. Long Term Debts – A long-term debt is any debt exceeding one year. They are the principal and interest amounts on any debt securities. These include bonds, notes and debentures.
9. The Sum – Total your long-term debts by adding the numbers together here.
10. Owners’ Equity Items – This is your common stock and any retained earnings. While stock consists of ownership in one company or another, retained earnings consist of any earnings in the previous and current periods not given to shareholders.
11. The Sum – Add your equity items together to get the total sum of all owners’ equity items.
12. The Complete Sum – Add the sums you’ve gotten from all your liabilities, long term debts, and owners’ equity items. This number is your complete liabilities value.
And there you have it. This is how you prepare a financial statement. It isn’t as bad and scary as you might think it is. Just follow the list above with a calculator on hand and you’ll be fine.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How To Eliminate Debt

how to eliminate debtDebt is one of the most common problems and stressful situations in today’s society, but you can learn how to eliminate debt fast. Almost everyone has it, and if you don’t, consider yourself lucky. It’s a hard thing to get rid of when it builds up. It can be overwhelming dealing with all those creditors that are demanding “their” money.
• The most important thing you need to do is to stop creating more debt for yourself. Do whatever it takes. Cut up those credit cards and use only money you already have. It’s hard to wait for payday, but it’s worth it when it adds up to less debt.
Attitude is big element in eliminating debt. We often get overwhelmed and into a negative “I’ll never fix this” state. What you need to do is change that and be positive about eliminating that debt instead of ruminating on how dire the situation is. You can do it and it is possible for you to be debt free. Adopt that ‘Can Do’ attitude.
Plan out your spending and determine what you really need, and what you really want. Make out a budget or a list for yourself that contains all the things that you would like to acquire. Eliminate all the things that you can live without. If you are used to lavish lifestyle this may be hard, but it is essential if you wish to reduce your spending habits and eliminate debt.
• Boredom is going to make you want to spend money. If we get bored we may visit shops just to see what they have in store. Next thing you know, you’ve walked out with more than you bargained for. Same with TV. It’ll entice you into buying things that you really don’t need.
• Cut down on that extravagant spending on high end products. Where in your life can you live with bargain products? At the grocery store can you spend a little less by buying the cheaper items for a while? It’s not forever, it’s just until you can get your debt under control. Remind yourself that this is a long-term positive goal.
• Are you capable of improving your income? I’ll bet you have the skills that it takes to earn some extra income on the side to help out your finances. Some people do simple surveys online and get paid for them. There are tons of avenues you can research. Turn a passion into a marketing strategy. Just be wary of online scams and research thoroughly before investing your time.
Pay all of your bills on time. As you get behind on bills, they will charge you extra for what the lateness. By avoiding late bills, you are saving money that could go towards the debt you’ve accumulated.
• Reuse everything you can. Plastic bags work perfect as garbage bags. Keep your eyes open for things that can be reused in your home so that you can save money in the long run and eliminate debt.
Debt is a monster that will haunt you for life and ruin all of your chances of buying the things you really want in life. By applying these simple rules, you can improve your chances of reducing and eliminating your debt and the stress in your life. I promise, once you attack it head on, you’ll start to feel better about your money and about yourself
 Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

get rid of love handlesYou’ve finally decided you’ve had enough and want to learn how to get rid of love handles. They can be unsightly, affect our self-esteem and affect the way that others look at us. These are things we can just do without. So it’s time to be proactive and learn the ways that you can get the body you want with only a little bit of work.


Your diet is going to be the most important factor in getting rid of those love handles. That and metabolism is what got you them in the first place. Dieting is hard and you need to have an attitude that you will stick to it. 2000 calories a day is what an average person eats. If you want to rid yourself of the waistline, reduce that to even 1400-1800 calories a day. I know it sounds like a lot, but you have the power. Do not go any less than 1400 per day, it is unhealthy. There are a lot of different things to consider with diet, entire books have been dedicated to this subject alone.


This doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym and start pumping weights like nobody’s business. There are easy, at home exercises you can do that will reduce the amount of fat around your waistline and help you get rid of love handles.
Trunk Twist – Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and slightly bent. Put your arms out in front as if you were going to push on something. Twist your body halfway to the left and then to the right. Repeat this as many times as you can.
Twist Crunch – Get into a sit up position. Put your hands near your ears but not on your ears. Then pull your body up until your elbow touches your knee in a twisting movement. Do this on the other side as well. Do this for 5-7 minutes per day, or longer as you improve.
These are just a few of many exercises that will help you get rid of those love handles. Be persistent and determined, and you will no doubt succeed.
Yoga – Yoga is an ancient exercise form that has been developed over thousands of years. It is a light way to exercise your body. You won’t have to put strain or even sweat very much during a yoga class. There are many available in your area
Tai Chi – Another ancient exercise method that uses slow movements to help tone and flex your muscles and bones. These two methods are time tested over thousands of years, and people still use them today to stay in great shape.
With a positive attitude, you can achieve almost anything you want in life. Getting rid of those love handles is just the beginning. Once you start to feel better about yourself, your whole outlook on life will change. You’ll become more confident, more relaxed and perform better at all your tasks.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org

How To Grow Taller

how to grow tallerIt is a well-known fact that shorter people aren’t taken as seriously in the business industry and many search for solutions on how to grow taller. Shorter people just aren’t given the same opportunities in life as a taller person. They may get fewer women, fewer job opportunities and be picked on more as youngsters. These are all facts that need to be changed. For some reason, taller people instinctively indicate capability, which is a completely false statement. I know this is going to sound outlandish, but people have found easy ways that adults can actually increase their height and grow taller over time. No medications, no surgery, just natural exercises and methods you can do.
Hanging Around - It sounds like a ruse, but it’s not. Hanging from something has been known to help people grow taller and increase their height by 1-2 inches. Amazing. The fact is that gravity pulls down and compacts your body toward the ground. By hanging you reverse that effect. While hanging, try to remain relaxed. Hang there for about 20 seconds and then release. Do this for as many times you feel is necessary. But don’t overdo it.


People with bad posture can actually appear as though they’ve lost height. As much as 1-2 inches! Whenever you’ve got bad posture, the natural curvature in your spine is curved too much in one direction. You need to straighten that out to its natural S curve
Do this: Sit in a chair with your back straightened. Face your head forward and keep your feet flat on the floor. Lower your chin at slow pace towards your chest. Rest there and take three deep, long breaths before lifting your chin back up. Repeat this as many times as you want. It’s that simple! This can improve your posture and gain you 1-2 inches. So far, with hanging and posture exercises, we’ve got 2-4 possible inches. Amazing!

Back Exercises

Your back needs to be strong to be able to hold your posture correctly at all times. Daily strain can cause your spine to unnaturally curve back into bad posture.
Try this: Sit on the floor and stretch your legs out in front of you. Start with your hands on your hips. Then stretch forward and reach with your arms to try and touch your toes. You may not be able to touch your toes but go as far as you can. What this does is decompresses your spine, stretching everything out. Thus, lengthening your spine. Repeat this movement five times. Then stretch your feet apart and stretch your right hand to your right foot and your left leg to you left foot. Repeat this five times as well.
These are some of the methods you can use to grow taller. We all used to think that all of our growing was done by the time we were 18 or 20. We never realized how much the way we stand and that the gravity placed on our body has an impact on how tall we actually are. You can stretch yourself out. There are a ton of exercises out there to help you grow taller, gaining more confidence and respect from others. But most importantly, respect from yourself. Happy growing!

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How To Use Clippers to Cut a Man's Hair By Troy Marshall

Getting new hairstyle
Clippers are very handy at cutting men’s hair and evening out sideburns. Clippers are used with clipper blades, which look like large combs made of steel. These clipper blades are attached to the main body of the clipper; most clippers come with different clipper blades that have varying teeth lengths. Here are some of the guidelines to remember in using clippers to cut a man’s hair:
  • Prepare your materials. For this project, all you would need are the clippers, the blades and a towel to be placed around the shoulders of the person who will get his hair cut. Also, it’s best that you cut the hair at an area that can be cleaned just by sweeping; in other words, avoid cutting hair in carpeted areas.
  • Select the proper blade. Clippers would come with blades that number from zero to eight; in simplest terms, the lower the number of the blade is the closer the cut will be. For example, a blade that has the number “0” or no-guard clipper will effectively shave off the hair down to the scalp, while a blade that has the number “7” will leave about 22 mm or 7/8 inch long hair. The numbers are usually indicated at the middle part of the clipper blade. How you would choose the clipper would depend on the desired final length of hair.
  • Start at the backside of the hair. It will ultimately depend on the person getting his haircut as to how you would go about the haircut, but if he wants a regular trim, here are some steps to follow: Trim the hair going up from the back of the neck to the area around the ears (be very careful not to get too near the ears, as your clippers may cause injury). Move the clipper in a flipping motion, so that you could raise the hair up and then shave it off. Do the same from the back of the head going up to the other ear. Though you can go back and forth around the areas that you want to cut off, make sure that you constantly check for the length that results. Double-check to see if the length is even on both sides of the head. Comb out the hair every now and then, to get rid of the cut hair. This would also allow you to set the style and see whether you’d need to cut off some more.
  • Know of other guidelines. Make sure that the hair being cut is dry, as wet hair may clog some clippers. You should also make sure that you ask what hairstyle he wants, so that you could early on determine the size of the blade that you will work with. Also, know that it’s best that you stop cutting the hair when in doubt, rather than keep on cutting: just leave it and let it grow, instead of cutting it until it’s too late to remedy. 
There you have it! These are just some of the steps for you to remember when you want to use clippers to cut man’s hair. Good luck, and hope this helped you out!
 Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How To Master Hair Cutting Techniques By Zaire Scott

Girl showing off scissors
As a hairstylist, or as someone planning to get into the hair styling or barbershop business, you want to be the best in your trade. To achieve this, it is important to familiarize yourself with the advanced cutting styles that professional hairstylists are doing. You would need to know a lot of hair styles and cutting techniques, to be able to execute properly and effectively. Having a good technique is also one way to keep loyal customers.
Creativity and an artistic flair will help you in mastering the different hair cutting techniques. You would usually need a great deal of patience and the willingness to learn. Here are some techniques to be a master at what you do:.
Know how to cut the basic seven section parting techniques. This is a standard technique for sectioning the hair in preparation for the hairstyle that you want to execute. It results in even ends. Sectioning the hair will also allow you to cut the hair in a controlled manner. The standard sectioning involves cutting the hair from back to front and from bottom up, in most cases. So before you start, make sure that you secure each section of the hair using clips.
Separate each section and do the blunt cut. Blunt cut is a style that requires the hair to be cut into one length. Blunt cutting lets hairdressers quickly remove the bulk before working on a finished style. Remember, before separating each section of the hair, comb it smoothly before cutting it to its desired length.
Learn to cut the layered hair technique. This technique can be done on either short or long hair. Before cutting, make sure that the hair is wet, because the hair will get shorter as it dries. Use a clip for cutting the hair and a fine tooth comb, a tool that would make the cut go easily and quickly. The way to cut is to stand the hair up, bend over and cut hair straight across.
Know how to trim the bangs. Make sure the hair is dry. Then separate the section of the hair you don’t want to trim by using clips. Just let the bangs loose and comb them with a fine tooth comb. Trim the bangs just below the eyes or depending on how long or short the client likes it. Make sure to cut the bangs equally and angle it 45 degrees slowly, one section at a time.
Learn the advance cutting techniques. Now, you know all the standard and basic cutting styles, so proceed to learning cutting unique styles like the bob cut, a-line cut, and the like. Just always keep in mind that before proceeding into any cutting style, always approach it through the seven section parting technique, as this will make cutting easier for you, so you can afterward create the hairstyle of their choice.
If you’re looking to practice, you can offer free hairstyling services to friends or willing clients. You can even do so on a mannequin with a cheap wig.
 Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How To Clean Norelco Razors

The Norelco razor is one of the best selling rotary shavers made by Philips. The three rotating heads of the razor turn independently and conforms to the contour of the face for a closer shave. The Norelco razor is very much suited for those who have longer facial hair that do not shave that often. Experts and owners are very satisfied with the performance of the Norelco razor and deemed that this is the quietest shaver in the market. It is quite easy to clean too, which is a major plus. Once your shave's quality has reduced somewhat it is time to clean the the combs and cutters of the Norelco razor. Below are tips on how to do this.
  • Brush the whiskers from the razor's comb slots once a week or more frequently depending on the amount of facial hair you shave off. Use the brush that comes with the Norelco razor to remove the hair. After you have removed the hair from the comb slots lift the razor head assembly. Turn it upside down to brush the hair from underneath the razor’s cutters as well as the razor chamber where hair tends to collect. It is not advisable that you tap the razor head assembly on any surface as this can damage the combs.
  • For a more thorough cleaning, detach the razor head assembly from the body of the razor and remove the combs and the cutters from their retaining plates. The cutter and comb pair should be removed one after the other. Make sure that you keep each pair together to avoid confusion when you have to put them back together.
  • Clean each cutter and comb, collectively called a razor head separately. You can detach the comb from the cutter. Use the accompanying brush to remove the hair from the cutter and comb in an upward sweep. Soak the pair together in rubbing alcohol or the recommended Norelco Razor Cleaner (RC1776) for about fifteen to thirty seconds. This will remove facial oils and other debris that may have remained in the cutter and comb. Place the cleaned pair on a towel and allow them to air dry. Do the same for the other two razor heads before you reassemble them. This should be done at least every two months to keep the combs and cutters in top condition.
  • Once you have reassembled the razor head assembly and reattached it on the razor body, spray the razor heads with Norelco Razor Lubricant (AL80). You can also place mineral oil (one drop) and spread it using your finger over the razor heads. Turn on the Norelco razor to allow the lubricant to spread on the razor heads and make them rotate smoothly.
Make sure that the Norelco razor is unplugged and/or turned off when you clean it, particularly when you disassemble the razor head assembly. Work in the flat surface lined with a towel and take care not to drop any of the razor parts. These are precision-tooled parts that have to be handled with care. You need to protect the razor head with its plastic cap after use.
 Article Source: http://www.howy.org/
These days, no one wants to spend money unnecessarily. So why not look at ways you can save money at the beauty salon? Here are some tips that will leave you beautiful and not broke.

Step 1

Assess your needs. You have a lot of options when it comes to choosing which beauty salon to go to. But if you want to save money, consider visiting the less-expensive chain and discount salons. Supercuts is a great example of a beauty salon that offers acceptable cuts at a fraction of the cost of a privately-owned beauty salon. You could save at least $50 by getting your hair cut at Supercuts. It's worth a try, especially if you have a simple hairstyle like long, straight hair or a bob. (If this is too much of a change for you, consider going to the discount salon between expensive haircuts. Even a few trips throughout the year will save you money at the beauty salon.)

Step 2

Dye your hair yourself. Hair dye is a necessity for many aging women these days. So I won't contest this choice. But what you should consider is skipping the $75-$150 color job at your local beauty salon and picking up the same stuff at WalMart. Try dyeing your own hair! There are even many brands out there that come with highlights. And the directions are basic. If in doubt, call a girlfriend over for support and dye your hair together. You'll have a lot more fun, and you won't be stuck with a ridiculous bill for something you can do yourself.

Step 3

Opt for a hairstylist-in-training. Another way to save money at the beauty salon is to go on special ‘training nights'. Lots of salons post when they'll be training new stylists, and it's on these days that you can receive a great haircut (under the watchful eye of a seasoned stylist) for very little. You might also consider visiting a beauty school and getting a $10 haircut there. Or, if you're brave, you can try being a model for a beauty salon. Although it may seem risky, you will always be consulted before your hair is cut by a trainee, and there will always be someone there to fix the cut if something goes awry. You can't go wrong with this money-saving beauty tip.

Step 4

Don't pay to have your bangs cut. Many hair salons will offer to cut your bangs for free between haircuts. All you have to do is drop in with 5 minutes to spare and you'll walk out with a fresh bang cut, free of charge. (Yes, you can trim your own bangs, but this is a risky action!)

Step 5

Don't pay to have your hair styled. Salons charge more if you ask for your hair to be dried and styled. If you can manage to do the style on your own, just get your hair cut. Yes, you'll walk out of the salon with wet hair and you'll have to head straight home to finish your look. But you'll save at least $20 by not watching someone else do what you do to your own hair every morning.

Step 6

Wait a while between cuts. The best suggestion for saving money at the beauty salon is to not go so often. Although your hairdresser probably tells you to visit once a month, it's not necessary. If you have a hairdo that can grow out for a few weeks (or months) without looking horrible, then don't jump to book your next beauty salon appointment just yet. Ask your stylist for a hairdo that can grow out so that you won't need to visit her so often. You'll save tons of money at the beauty salon.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How To Prepare the Hair for Cornrows By Matthew Bennett

Cornrows are tiny strips of tightly braided hair. The braids are done close to the scalp and extend from the front to the back and from one side to the opposite side. Cornrowing is a braiding style that originated in Africa. But today, cornrows are a hit among Westerners, especially among the young people. Cornrowing is a time-consuming process. So if you want to have your hair in cornrows, you have to prepare your hair well to speed up the process and maximize its styling effect. Here’s how.
  • Wash your hair. It is very important to wash your hair before having the cornrows. Shampoo your hair with the product of your choice, making sure to cleanse from the top and all the way down to the tip of your hair. The scalp particularly should be massaged with your fingertips. Never scratch the scalp with your nails, especially if yours are long.
  • Rinse the hair. After a few minutes of massaging your scalp and cleaning the hair, rinse the hair with clean water. Remember to rinse well to remove all traces of shampoo that can potentially cause dandruff.
  • Condition your hair. Conditioner will make the hair smooth and will prep it up for cornrowning. Leave it on hair for about three to five minutes and rinse thoroughly after. Make sure to use a conditioner that suits your hair type.
  • Dry your hair. Make sure your hair is completely dry before doing the cornrows. Although some say it is better to leave the hair damp, it is much healthier for the hair if you dry it first. This is especially necessary if you are going to sew hair extension in the cornrows. Hair extension particularly makes damp cornrows stinky.
  • Untangle your hair. Continuously comb the hair to remove the tangles and to condition it for the cornrowing process. It is best if you use fine-toothed comb. Remember to comb the hair as long as needed or until the hair is already smooth and tangle-free. Be gentle when combing, though. If you comb too hard, you might risking damaging the hair strands and the scalp.
  • Apply oil. Oil will make your hair softer and manageable, making cornrowing a lot easier. You can apply any natural oil to the hair, but use only a small amount. To apply, simply put a few drops of oil in the palm of your hand. Rub your two hands together to spread the oil. Then run your hands through the hair, applying the oil to the top and base hair. Add more oil if your hair is especially thick and long. Comb your hair again to spread the oil to the hair strands more evenly.
  • Decide how to part the hair. Cornrows are usually done vertically, but if you are going to sew synthetic hair in the cornrows, you need to part the hair horizontally. Talk to the salon attendant and tell her how you want the cornrows to look like.

Because cornrowing will take a while, you might also want to be prepared for the long hours you are going to spend in the salon. Bring books, magazines, or anything that will keep you preoccupied.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How To Cut Your Own Hair in a Pixie Style By Zenaida Case

Hairdresser with scissors
Victoria Beckham, one of the most fashionable women in the world, wears it. Mrs. Tom Cruise, the lovely Katie Holmes, looks even more sophisticated with it. And Rihanna has sashayed with it in several red carpet events. What is it with the pixie hairstyle that several celebrity fashionistas are sporting it lately? Although long locks haven’t gone out of style, a pixie cut is preferred by women who want to look strong, younger, and in control while being highly stylish. The pixie hairstyle is an extremely short do that is often characterized by a spiky top, layered sides, and side-swept bangs. It can be cropped super short or styled longer at the back. Because it draws hair from the face, pixie style hair is ideal for women who have beautiful facial structure.
If you want this kind of hairstyle, have a competent hairdresser do a pixie hairstyle that is appropriate for your face shape. Or if you want a more straightforward approach, cut your own hair. The following can be your guideline.
  • Have a definite idea of the cut you want. If you are going for a pixie hairstyle, determine exactly what kind of haircut you want to have. Although pixie cuts generally have short back and layered patterns, there are slight differences in the applied cutting and texturing techniques, which in turn give each pixie cut its unique appeal. For instance, if you want to accentuate your eyes, you can have long, feathered bangs swept across the side. If you want to be extra stylish, you can have the back shorter than the sides, while the layering on top is quite long. To give you more direction in your cutting, find a picture of a celebrity whose pixie haircut you want to replicate. Study the haircut and see if you can do it on your own.
  • Gather all your tools. Foremost, you need to have a good pair of haircutting scissors. And good means sharp. A sharp pair of scissors leaves the ends healthy as opposed to a dull pair that tends to fray the hair and causes split ends. Other than a pair of scissors, you also need to prepare fine- and wide-tooth combs, wall and hand mirrors, and garbage bin.
  • Cut the hair according to your desired length. First make sure the hair is parted in the usual section and is tangle-free. Once everything is okay, cut the hair following your desired length. Make sure to first cut the interior hair before proceeding to cut the outer hair.
  • Do the interior layering. Start by getting a portion of your hair’s center back that is approximately three inches in width. Then, cut the hair vertically. Next, proceed to cut the sides, alternately running your scissors along the left and right sections to maintain an even length. Make sure to constantly check the length, so you avoid cutting your hair shorter than you desire.
  • Work on the crown. The top section of your hair should start three inches from the nape. Its thickness should be around two inches and the length should be approximately four inches. Cut the top section horizontally, making sure its length blends with the length of the rest of the hair sections.
Finally, add texture. You can do this by getting small portions of the hair and vertically cutting the fringes around 1/3 of the hair’s length. Make sure to cover both the back and the sides. Then, begin to do your bangs by separating the front section of your hair, which should be two inches in width. Cut it vertically according to the length you want.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How To Cut Hair in Layers: Tips for Layering Hair Create a Fabulous Hair Cut Without the Salon By Jacquie Generra

Girl with bangs holding scissors
A layered hair cut can be difficult to maintain and even more difficult to get right the first time. However, it is one of the most popular hair cut styles. If you are looking for a layered cut and are determined to do it on your own, follow these steps for the best result. You can learn more about cutting your own - or your family's - hair with How to Cut Hair at Home. Here's how to cut your own hair in layers.
To create your own layered haircut gather the following materials:
Sharp scissors
Hair clips
Fine tooth comb

  1. Wash and condition your hair. Cutting hair is always easier when the hair is clean and wet. Get rid of the product that weighs your hair down and comb through any tangles before you get started.
  2. If you are just touching up with a trim, follow the lines of the previous style. To maintain a cut, you can comb out the layers you already have and trim the same quarter or half inch off all the hair. Start with small snips and cut consistently.
  3. If you are completely changing your look, follow the rest of the steps. You have more freedom if you are looking for a dramatic change in style.
  4. Gather your hair in a ponytail. There are two options depending upon the look you are going for. If you want layers spaced throughout your hair that are shorter on top and staggered down, then gather all your hair up into a normal tail at the back of your head. If you want longer layers or a funkier look, turn your head upside down and secure the hair in a ponytail at the top of your head.
  5. Cut the end off the ponytail. Decide how much you want to cut off your hair. Ideally you want to shorten your style by two to three inches for the most dramatic look. Gather the ponytail in your hand and move up to where you want to cut it. Make a straight cut across the ponytail.
  6. Remove the ponytail and shake your hair loose. As your hair settles back down you should see the newly cut layers. Using the ponytail style to make the cuts means that your layers will look somewhat random instead of like steps cut into your hair.
  7. Trim any stray hairs and bangs if necessary. If you have bangs, give them a refresher trim by combing them down straight in front of your face. Then hold the scissors vertically with the sharp end up. Make V-cut snips at the end of the bangs. These are small cuts that create texture and a bit of a layered effect in your bangs.
  8. Style and enjoy your new layered cut. Updating your hairstyle to a layered cut can create a funkier and even sexier cut. Rumple or tousle the hair then let it dry naturally for a relaxed and enticing just out of bed look.
Cutting your own hair into a layered style may seem daunting. Still you can get creative when layering hair without much risk by trying these steps for your new look. If you can’t get to the hairdresser or just need to save some cash, this hairdo update is a great option.

How To Get an Inexpensive Haircut By Troy Marshall

A stylish haircut can really add punch to your look. A great cut can take off years from your face and help you look younger and more vibrant. If you don’t have the bucks to spend to go to a high end salon and work with a stylist, you can still get a great cut for a fraction of the cost.

Here’s how to get an inexpensive haircut.
  • Ask around. Ask other people where they get their look for less. Check online and do a Google search on possible salons that offer cheap haircuts in your area. If you’re new to the neighborhood, drive around town.
  • Get the junior stylist to do your hair. Go to a nice salon and have one of the junior stylists work on your locks. This person won’t have the same skill level as a senior stylist. However, because he’s working in an established salon, you have the confidence of knowing that he has had some extensive training before he’s been put out on the floor. if you’re not happy with the work, you can complain and a senior stylist can always help fix the problem, if any.
  • Go to a new salon. If you notice that there’s a new salon opening in town, take advantage of promotional discounts. New salons want to entice new customers to try their services so they will likely offer introductory coupons and other discounts. Try it out!
  • Do it yourself. If you’re simply looking to trim your bangs or you want to get a buzz cut, cut your own hair. You can purchase haircutting scissors or a hair grooming kit at Target or beauty supply stores. Read books on take a seminar or class in your local community college to learn the basics. You can even cut your children’s hair. If you cut your own hair, you won’t have to pay anyone other than yourself!
  • Go to a discount salon. Supercuts is great for getting an inexpensive haircut. Other similar salons are Great Clips, Hair Masters and Fantastic Sams. If you go to a no-frills place, you skip the shampoo and blowdry and simply get the haircut. You can get a decent haircut for about $20.
  • Go to a cosmetology school. Volunteer to have cosmetology students practice their skills on your hair. It can be a little risky, but if you get a good student, you’ll end up with a decent haircut. If the person ends up working in town, you can establish a relationship with the stylist.
  • Go to the stylist’s home. If you have an established relationship with someone you like, ask if he is willing to cut hair off site. Any money you pay will go directly to the stylist instead of a part going to the salon, so you’ll get great discounts if the stylist is willing. Keep this confidential since it’s usually against salon policy for stylists to take clients on their personal time.

To still get a great cut even if your stylist isn’t as experienced, be sure to communicate clearly what it is you want. Bring a picture of the haircut you want to emulate.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/


How To Cut Girls' Hair with Clippers By Wendy Coleman

During tough times, more and more people are opting to undertake do-it-yourself projects because it helps save on expenses. One of the things that people opt to undertake is hair cutting and styling. Traditionally, hair clippers are often used for boys’ and men’s cuts. These let the barber or stylist clip off straight portions of hair quickly, without the need for scissors. However, clippers can also be used for girls’ hair, whether long or short. Here are a few tips, in case you’re interested in cutting your daughter’s hair, for example.
Prepare your cutting area. Cutting hair is always a messy affair. Be prepared to have lots of hair falling on the floor or the ground. It’s usually best to cut hair outdoors, so you won’t have to worry about cleanup later on. If you do it on the lawn, then hair will just fall on the grass. You might want to consider collecting your daughter’s hair and donating these to charity. Natural hair is often turned into hairpieces.
Cut while wet. It’s usually best to cut girls’ hair while wet. This gives you better control over hair than if it were dry. Consider shampooing your daughter’s hair and letting the hair air dry before cutting. Alternatively, you can use a spray bottle to spritz on some water before cutting. You will have to be careful if the hair is wavy or curly, though. It will bounce up and look shorter once it dries.
Shape your daughter’s hair. Your first cut should be used as a guide as to how long the other cuts would be. If you want a straight back, then be sure to keep a straight line cutting across with your clippers. Take a small section of about 1 to 2 inches, and use your clippers to cut these across. Then, take the adjacent small section, with a few strands of the first section as a guide, and cut across. You can also taper up the sides so that they are a bit shorter. This gives your daughter’s hair a rounded look at the back.
Cut the bangs. You will usually need to clip from the sides of the eyebrows up to the center. Determine how thick you want the bangs to be. The farther up on the scalp, the thicker the bangs. If you are going for thick bangs, clip shorter at the bottom and clip longer as you go up, for a rounded look. You can also give the bangs a tapered look by cutting the sides gradually longer than the center.
Layer the hair. You can add more style to your daughter’s hair by layering it. Pick up a small section, comb and hold it straight up, and then clip straight. Do the same with the adjacent sections, keeping a few strands of the previously-cut section as a guide. Do this on your daughter’s entire head to make a layered cut.
Some tips:
You can use hair clips to separate larger sections of your daughter’s hair. Cutting one section at a time makes it more manageable.
Cover your daughter’s body from neck down with a sheet, so she doesn’t get irritated from the hair. You can drape a makeshift frock by cutting a hole on a clean garbage bag, where she can put her head through.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How To Choose a New Hairstyle

Hair is personal and makes a statement. Your hairstyle is central to the first impression you make when you meet someone new. A ponytail with stragglers hanging everywhere makes you seem casual or lazy while a fancy up do will make the opposite statement. If you are ready for a change, follow these steps so you can choose a new hairstyle.
  1. Know what you want in a style. Don't start hunting styles until you know what you need in a hairstyle. Will you be pulling your hair up to head to the gym? Do you hate hair hanging in your face? Are you willing to spend time on your style or would you prefer a wash and go style? The answers to these questions should be part of your decision making through the rest of the steps.
  2. Look at your facial structure. Different looks complement different face shapes. Before you decide you want a hairstyle to match your favorite celebrity style, consider if your face shape is similar to your idol's. If your face is square or angular then you can soften the look with long layers or curls. A round shape will be better complemented with an angular cut or sharp bangs. Spend some time in front of the mirror to determine your face shape then start researching the looks that best highlight your features.
  3. Brainstorm your options. Collect magazines and hunt websites for hairstyles that look interesting. Build up a collection so you have between five and ten options. Then compare those options with the results of steps one and two. You should still have a few styles options left to choose from.
  4. Try a virtual style. There are several websites available that allow you to load a photo and try on new hairstyles virtually. Try a Google search to find these sites. Some are free while others charge a membership fee so search around until you find the site that meets your needs.
  5. Talk to your stylist. Stylists don't just cut hair, they create looks. Take two or three ideas to your stylist and talk about them. Get his or her input on the look that will work best for you. The stylist might also help you determine how much work will be required to maintain the look you want. So take your stylist's advice seriously. Without approval from the stylist, no look will ever be cut and styled just the way you want it.
  6. Take the plunge and experiment. Remember that it is only hair and it will grow back. So once you think you have the style you want, go ahead and try it. If you hate it, you can grow it out. Try a positive attitude; you might just love your new ‘do.
Choose your new hairstyle with some simple steps. Deciding on a new style can add some zip in your step and motivate you to make other inspired changes in your life.
Woman combing her hair
There are many methods and hair care tips for preventing hair tangles. However, once your hair does tangle, do not panic or pull at it as this will only make it worse. Keeping hair from tangling in the first place is a very important part of hair maintenance. Tangles can happen in many different ways--from rain storms, windy weather, and even after swimming.  Once you've learned how to keep your hair tangle-free, I recommend checking out the excellent guide 1001 Beauty Tips to learn how to have great-looking hair and skin.
Follow these tips for healthy hair on how to prevent and treat hair tangles.
  1. Detangle hair before washing it. Brush hair thoroughly before washing to get any loose hairs or dirt out. Hair tends to tangle on its own when hair is dry and wetting it can make it worse.
  2. While hair is wet, use a wide-toothed comb and section hair off in small sections. To prevent knots, comb beginning at the ends and slowly move up, section by section, to the roots.
  3. There are a wide variety of hair products made for detangling hair. Spray on wet hair and comb with a wide-toothed comb. Detanglers come in different forms. The most popular type of hair detangler is a mist, but shampoos and deep conditioners can also have detangling ingredients. Detangling products are also made by hair type, such as a gentle formula for fine hair or children's hair. Hair detanglers can also provide a second service like shine serum or frizz control.
  4. Since tangles tend to happen at the ends of hair, be sure to apply a deep conditioner to the ends. This will soften them and help to prevent tangling.
  5. If hair is already tangled, apply a dime-sized amount of oil or conditioner to the knot to loosen it with a wide-toothed comb, carefully combing out the knot.
  6. To prevent tangling while blow drying hair, use a blow dryer with a wide-toothed comb attachment and blow dry the hair straight down, one small section at a time.
  7. If gum is tangled in the hair, products like peanut butter, olive oil, and mayonnaise can be applied to the gum to soften the hair tangle, making it easier to work out of the hair.
  8. If a scrunchie or rubber band is tangled in the hair, it is best to cut out as much of the band as possible, then work the rest of it out of the hair.
  9. Sleeping on a satin pillowcase at night or pulling your hair back before bed also prevents tangles because it prevents hair from moving around too much.
  10. If worst comes to worst, cut the knot or tangle out, but before doing that, try to work out as much of the hair as possible so as not to have to cut a lot of hair. Cut very close to the knot and only what you have to. After cutting, condition the ends to prevent them from splitting.
These home remedies for tangled hair will help you keep your hair healthy. If your hair is prone to tangles, make detanglers a part of your everyday hair routine. Shop around and invest in a good detangling product. It is far preferable to losing unnecessary hair.

Article Source: http://www.howy.org/

How To Hold Hair-Cutting Scissors

You may be using a regular pair of scissors day after day for different household, office, and school projects. However, this does not mean that you can use hair cutting shears with the same efficiency and competence as that of holding regular scissors for various purposes. Since the hair cutting scissors are a lot different than the scissors that you are used to, they require a different kind of approach in terms of holding and using them. Just so you know, the quality of a great hair cut depends on how well the person holds the shears.
Holding hair cutting shears is one great skill that takes time before you can master it. With constant practice, you can successfully cut hair of different lengths and styles. So here, check out these ways on how to properly and efficiently hold hair cutting shears:
  • Prepare the pair of scissors for holding. To do this, hold the shears right in the blades' middle with the hand that you do not intend to use in the actual holding of the scissors. When doing this, make sure that the tool is closed for safety purposes.
  • Position your ring finger. The ring finger must be positioned in the top hole. Make sure that at least one-fourth inch below the fingernail of your ring finger is entered into the hole. Then, place your pinkie finger right in the small hole or pinkie rest outside the bottom hole where you have just placed your ring finger.
  • Position your thumb. The thumb must be positioned on the hole right below where you have just placed your ring finger. The same rule goes. The thumb must be inserted at least around one-fourth of an inch below your fingernail. Also, the thumb must occupy the top-inside part of the hole.
  • Position the rest of your fingers. Put together your middle as well as index fingers and place them right below the hole where you have placed your ring finger. In some types of shears, your middle and index fingers can be accommodated inside the hole where the ring finger is.
  • Support the shears. With all the other hand's fingers positioned correctly, use the middle and index fingers of the free hand to support the shears when it is in use. These two fingers must serve as the resting point of the bottom blade of the hair cutting shears.
  • Move your thumb. The right way to use the hair cutting scissors is simply to move only one finger. That is no other than the thumb. It is the only this finger that must be moved to either open or close the shears' blades.
You cannot proceed with successfully cutting hair if you do not know how to properly hold the hair cutting shears. Though the process sounds so simple, it requires great practice before you can get used to it. Hence, if you wish to do better in cutting hair, practice first in mastering the art of holding a pair of hair cutting scissors.