Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

unique Ways to Overcome affair

Unique Ways to Overcome affair
Dr. Willard Harley in his book His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair - Proof Marriage, the factors that cause the occurrence of cheating action as described above by Dr.. Willard Harley is defined as not meeting the needs of husbands and wives in the household. What are those needs?
1. Wife needs.
A. The first requirement is the need for affection (affection). To most women affection disimbulkan as feeling safe, feeling secure, feeling comfortable and approval. Men need to understand how strong these women's needs for attention. As a woman, affection is very important for the relationship with a man.
B. The second requirement is the conversation (conversation). A wife needs her husband to express to them and listen to them, they need a lot of two-way conversation (again rather more women want to be heard). When two beings married, each spouse is right to expect compassion, love and attention the same as before marriage.
C. Sincerity and Openness (honesty and openess) is the third requirement. A wife needs to have trust in him fully. Sense of security is the need of a general nature for women. If the husband does not maintain sincerity and openness in communicating with his wife, he mensiasiakan trust his wife and often damage the security of a wife. If the wife can not trust the signs sent by the husband, the wife does not have a basis to build a solid relationship.
D. Wife needs a fourth is financial commitment (financial commitment). He needed financial support. However suksenya karrier might have a woman, she always wants her husband to earn enough money to make him feel the support and caring husband.
E. The fifth requirement is a commitment to family (family commitment). A wife needs her husband to be a good father and has the commitment to family. A wife wants their husband to take control and run in the family and moral education of their children.

2. Husband needs
A. First is the fulfillment of sexual needs (sexual fulfillment). The nature of the wife is not understanding the depth kebutuhanyang her husband in sex more than the nature of a husband who understands the needs of his wife's deep sense of compassion. But two things (sex and affection) this can work closely and together in marital bliss. Sex can arise naturally and openly, if there are enough mercy.
B. The second requirement for a man is a unity in recreation (recreational companionship). He needs a woman as his co-star.
C. Third needs a husband is an attractive partner (an attractive Spouse). A man needs a wife who looks good for them. Dr.Harley stated that in relation sexsual most men find a woman to appreciate not only the quality in the woman's self alone, but must be more than that. A man needs a physical attraction as well.
D. Support in the household (domestic support) is the fourth requirement. They need peace and quiet.
E. The fifth requirement is admiration (admiration). She needs to feel proud of his wife. A wife needs to learn how to express the pride that is felt toward her husband. Sincere admiration is a great motivation for a man. When a woman tells a man that he was amazing, this will inspire him to do more. He sees himself able to take new responsibilities.
If some of the five basic needs are not met the couple, then that person becomes easy for the adultery. Therefore, the best way to avoid infidelity is to meet the needs of couples and create a strong marriage.
Sources: timothywibowo.com

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